$100m water package fails to impress scientists
The Government's $100 million package to clean up water ways will do little while pollution is allowed to continue, scientists say.
View ArticleDams could be backup for melted glacier water
By PAUL BROWN | Building dams at the bottom of disappearing glaciers to capture the runoff from melting mountain snow will be needed later this century to prevent widespread water shortages in the...
View ArticleHow to achieve sustainable clean water for everyone
By VANESSA SPEIGHT and JOBY BOXALL | The provision of clean, safe drinking water in much of the world is one of the most significant public health achievements of the past century - and one of the...
View ArticleWe've got water, what we need is a better way of knowing how much
By KATE BRAUMAN | Water crises seem to be everywhere. In Flint, the water might kill us. In Syria, the worst drought in hundreds of years is exacerbating civil war.
View ArticleGood news or bad for our river water quality?
Improvements in some components of river water quality are encouraging, but it's too early to declare victory, says NIWA's Dr Scott Larned. | Read more
View ArticlePolluted rivers become deadly threat to millions
By TIM RADFORD | More than half the rivers of Asia, Africa and Latin America have become more dangerous in the past 20 years, with steep rises in organic and pathogen pollution.
View ArticleOntario wants to cap bottled water industry
THE ONTARIO government has proposed a two-year moratorium on the creation or expansion of bottled water operations fed by groundwater in the Canadian province. | Read more
View ArticleChile's freemarket water scheme brings conflict
View of the Paniri volcano from the San Pedro de Inacaliri river in Chile, in the otherwise very dry Loa provinceBy FRANCISCO MOLINA CAMACHO | Is water a basic human right or something with an...
View ArticleCareless companies hit by rising water costs
Taking greater care of water supplies is vital for companies | Matthew Robey By KIERAN COOKE | Companies worldwide are being warned that taking water preservation measures is now vital, and that those...
View ArticleCitizen power big help in the battle to protect water
CITIZEN-SCIENCE monitoring of water is a win-win for scientists and volunteers - one gains access to new data, and the other the skills and confidence to become involved in discussions over what is...
View ArticleMexico City, parched and sinking, faces a water crisis
CLIMATE CHANGE is threatening to push a crowded capital toward a breaking point. | Read more
View ArticleChinese city plans to pump water from Russia
CHINA IS reportedly considering plans to build a 1000km pipeline to pump water all the way from Siberia to its drought-stricken northwest. | Read more
View ArticlePolluting of rivers must be stopped, says OECD
POLLUTION of waterways by agriculture must be tackled to protect the world's fresh water, the OECD is warning.
View ArticleRecycled water could be key to sustainable development
BY 2025, absolute water scarcity will be a daily reality for an estimated 1.8 billion people. | Read more
View ArticleThere's another climate change story ... and it starts with water
IN THIS TIME of reckless US action, it's crucial to shift the narrative beyond despair over fossil fuels and look at water as a primary tool of climate control. | Read more
View ArticleVital groundwater being depleted faster than ever
Vast quantities of groundwater are used in Pakistan to irrigate crops such as rice | Abbrar Cheema By ALEX KIRBY | China, the world's most populous country, doubled within just 10 years its use of...
View ArticleGLUCKMAN REPORT: It's clear our rivers need help
The Clarence NEW ZEALAND's waterways are in trouble and climate change is making it worse, the Prime Minister's chief science adviser is warning.
View ArticleClean water should be affordable to everyone
ASK SOMEONE in Flint, Michigan, or São Paolo, Brazil — the list of cities rocked by water disasters seems to grow each day — how much safe, clean water is worth. | Read more
View ArticleAntarctica is swimming with rivers, lakes and ponds
A 130-metre-wide waterfall drains meltwater from the Nansen Ice Shelf into the ocean | Stuart Rankin By TIM RADFORD | Scientists poring over military and satellite imagery have mapped the...
View ArticleIT'S OFFICIAL: Our water quality is getting worse
WATER QUALITY in New Zealand's rivers is getting worse, says an official government report out today - and there's yet another warning that the country is running up against its environmental limits.
View ArticleGovernment agrees dairying can't keep growing
THE GOVERNMENT is publicly acknowledging that the dairy industry is running into environmental limits.
View ArticleClimate change will alter flow of the Nile
Displaced people collecting water on the banks of the River Nile, South Sudan | Geoff Pugh By TIM RADFORD | A 5000-year-old problem is about to get much more problematic. Climate change will make it...
View ArticleAmazon dams plan is set to cost the Earth
The Balbina dam on the Amazon … dams can damage river systems irreparably. By TIM RADFORD | A massive increase in hydropower from a series of planned Amazon dams could harm the world's most important...
View ArticleHow to turn $1 into $3: Plant the waterways
EVERY DOLLAR spent on planting New Zealand's waterways would pay returns of at least $3.
View ArticleWATER WARNING: The world is drinking microplastic fibres
MICROPLASTIC contamination has been found in tap water in countries around the world, leading to calls from scientists for urgent research on the implications for health.
View ArticleWAR AND WARMING: A great waterway comes under threat
HYDROLOGISTS and climate scientists have just calculated the future of one of the world's most celebrated waterways, the River Jordan. Their conclusion is that the outlook is poor − and getting poorer.
View ArticleOn a parched planet, nations look to the clouds
TO COPE with worsening heat and drought, countries from the United States to China are turning to "cloud seeding" to boost rainfall.
View ArticleChanging climate threatens our water systems
MUCH OF New Zealand's $20 billion worth of stormwater and wastewater systems will not cope with the impacts of climate change, an expert is warning.
View ArticleDrought city's telltale map puts pressure on water users
Cape Town's public pools are busy THE LATEST weapon in Cape Town's water saving arsenal is a map that exposes private meter readings to public scrutiny.
View ArticleCities most likely to run out of drinking water (like Cape Town)
CAPE TOWN is in the unenviable situation of being the first major city in the modern era to face the threat of running out of drinking water.
View ArticleWhat Day Zero means to Cape Town
DAY ZERO in Cape Town is when most of the city's water taps will be switched off.
View ArticleFive billion could be short of water by 2050, says UN
MORE THAN five billion people could suffer water shortages by 2050 due to climate change, increased demand and polluted supplies, according to a UN report.
View ArticleDRYING OUT: Water shortage key challenge of the century
WATER shortages are likely to be the key environmental challenge of this century, scientists say, as new data has revealed a drying-out of swathes of the globe between the tropics and the high latitudes.
View ArticleWorld Bank issues first sustainable water bond
THE WORLD BANK has launched a Sustainable Development Bond series to raise awareness of the importance of ocean resources.
View ArticleScientists warn of groundwater 'time bomb'
CLIMATE CHANGE might be creating a groundwater "time bomb" as the world's underground water systems catch up to the impacts of global warming.
View ArticleGroundwater impact might take years
Groundwater is critical to agriculture worldwide WHILE CLIMATE CHANGE makes dramatic changes to weather and ecosystems on the surface, the impact on the world's groundwater is likely to be delayed,...
View ArticleJesus might think again if he could see the Jordan today
IF JESUS were alive today, he might reconsider a baptism in the river Jordan - there's a good chance he'd pick up an eye infection.
View ArticleTank-water communities could be at risk
Warming weather will affect tank water RURAL communities relying on rain on their roofs for water could be at more risk of disease as the climate warms, new research shows.
View ArticleQuarter of world running short of water
India, home to 1.3 billion people, has extremely high water stress A QUARTER of the world's population across 17 countries are living in regions of extremely high water stress, a new report reveals.
View ArticleNew water for old as glaciers vanish
Gokyo lake, 4,700m up in the Himalayas: Emptied of water, a lake can refill naturally. VOIDS LEFT as glaciers vanish could be used to store spring snowmelt and rainfall to save the valleys below...
View Article1.9b people at risk from mountain water shortages
The Indus is the most important and vulnerable 'water tower', according to the first inventory of high-altitude water sources A QUARTER of the world's population is at risk of water supply problems as...
View ArticleWastewater flushes away a river of wealth
The world's annual wastewater is five times more than what goes over the Niagara Falls CANADIAN scientists have identified a new source of energy, wealth and nourishment being lost each day in every...
View ArticleFresh water from sunshine keeps thirst at bay
The prototype of the new solar-driven desalination device sits atop MIT AN INTERNATIONAL team of scientists has developed a cheap way to provide fresh water to thirsty communities by making seawater...
View ArticleScientists lift their game on how lakes work
Dr Piet Verburg SCIENTISTS know so little about how storms affect the delicate balance of lake ecosystems that we might be unable to protect them from the effects of climate change, says a NIWA...
View ArticlePoor water systems greater risk than virus, says UN
Reducing water use across every sector of society could benefit the planet enormously DECADES of chronic underfunding of water infrastructure is putting many countries at worse risk in the...
View ArticleWATER WARNING: We don't yet have the answers
NEW ZEALAND has insufficient information to accurately predict the impact climate change will have on the country's waterways and water supplies, a new report out today is warning.
View ArticleTough new water laws put heat on farmers
DAIRY FARMERS will have to disclose how much synthetic nitrogen fertiliser they are putting on their land under new rules expected to clean up waterways and cut greenhouse gas emissions.
View ArticleGovernment ignores experts in water plan
Mike Joy, with students, at work in the Manawatu River NEW ZEALAND'S government has been praised for listening to health experts in its pandemic response, but when it comes to dealing with pollution...
View ArticleGovt funding for low-emissions marine and off-road vehicles
The government has announced $6.4 million of funding towards low-emissions marine and off-road vehicles, which will lead to a further $18.2 million from businesses transitioning to clean energy...
View ArticleBay of Plenty council and iwi partner to restore degraded wetland
Algae in Waihi Estuary in 2021. Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council and iwi collective Te Wahapū o Waihī are partnering to restore a coastal wetland on the margins of the Waihī Estuary
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